Revised Pool, Pavilion and Play Area Rules
As Adopted by The Board of Directors On 1 June 2023
Effective 01 June 2023
As a safety measure, the homeowner’s association periodically adopts rules and regulations governing the use of our various amenities. Management of the association is tasked with monitoring compliance with these rules. Ultimately, however, our members are responsible for their own safety as these regulations are self-policing. Consequently, members use the amenities at their own risk. The following Rules and Regulations apply to the Southgate Pool/Pavilion and Playground areas.
Rules and Regulations:
Pool Rules and Regulations:
There should be no solo swimming.
There should be no running, boisterous or rough play.
No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs should use the pool.
There should be no spitting or blowing nose in pool.
Persons with diarrheal illness or nausea should not enter pool.
Persons with skin, eye, ear, or respiratory infections should not enter the pool.
Persons with open lesions or wounds should not enter the pool
No animals or pets allowed in the pool.
No glass allowed in the pool or on the deck.
No children should be in the pool without supervision.
You should take a shower before entering the pool.
The maximum number of swimmers allowed in the pool is 47.
An emergency phone (or other notification device) is located next to the water fountain. Lift
receiver and dial 911.
Life saving equipment is located against the pool fence.
Additional Pool Rules:
Persons using the pool must be a resident in good standing.
Swimming is permitted only during posted operating hours.
Appropriate swimwear must be worn at all times.
Any use of profanity or verbal confrontation is cause for immediate removal from the pool area.
All persons must leave the pool area during thunder and/or lighting storms.
Jumping the fence for any reason is considered trespassing.
Children (under 18) must be accompanied and supervised by an adult or guardian.
At no time should a homeowner, tenant, or any other occupant give or lend their card to a non-resident.
Visitors (up to 5 max) using the pool must be accompanied by a Southgate resident.
Children who are not potty trained must wear swim diapers under bathing suit
No diving allowed.
No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk.
Lower all umbrellas before leaving pool area.
No glass allowed in the pool area. No food or drink allowed in the pool.
Skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, or other recreational equipment prohibited in the pavilion and the pool area.
The volume for radios, televisions, and other personal electronic devices is to be kept to a minimum so as not to disturb others.
Medical Emergency Assistance:
Dial 911 on your personal cell phone or use the emergency phone next to the water fountain. Lift receiver and dial 911.
Address: 4798 Southgate Parkway
Emergency phone is not for person use. Incoming calls are strictly prohibited.
Any accident or injury occurring in the pool or pool area must be reported to the pool administrator at immediately.
To exit the pool in the event of an emergency, the emergency gate release button is located near the emergency phone. THIS EXIT IS ONLY FOR EMERGENCY USE.
Pool Closure:
If the pool area is padlocked, the pool is considered closed. Occasionally we may need to close the pool for maintenance or per DHEC regulations. Anyone entering the pool when it is closed will be considered trespassing.
Admittance to pool area is by card only. Anyone not using a card to gain entrance is trespassing and may be prosecuted. If a pool card is lost/stolen/misplaced, the Owner must notify the Association and will be charged $10.00 for a replacement card. Upon replacement, the Association will deactivate the original or any previous card.
Any person violating any of these rules is subject to any enforcement rights of the Association per Article IX, Section 9.3-9.4.3. Anyone violating these rules can be asked to leave the pool area immediately.
Southgate at Carolina Forest Association is not responsible for any accidents or injuries resulting from the use of the pool or for the loss or theft of personal property.
The pool furniture may not at any time be removed from the pool deck. Any damage caused by inappropriate or destructive behavior will result in charges and demand for payment for replacement.
Property owners are responsible for any damage caused by their tenants and/or their guests. Each owner
shall ensure a current copy of any lease is on file with the HOA, renewed yearly and will deliver to tenants/visitors/rental agent a copy of these rules and regulations.
Updated Party Information coming soon
POOL AND PAVILION HOURS: 8 am – 10 pm (The pool is currently closing at 8 pm until further notice).
The Pool will be open (primarily) from April 15th through October 15th or as weather permits.
Please remember there are homes that border the pool. After Dusk, please keep noise level to a minimum.